How to recover after a half marathon

Before we talk about the diet post-marathon for recovery, it is important to understand how the body intakes different nutrients. Like said, Carbohydrates in the form of glycogen is the immediately consumed form of energy in the active muscles. In the absence of carbohydrates, the body starts breaking down proteins. Fats are the most difficult to break down and the body consumes them at the last and least during a game which requires immediate burning of calories.

After a strenuous running during the half marathon, your body is totally devoid of carbohydrates in your active muscles. It is extremely important to refill these muscles with carbohydrates in order to provide energy for the ensuing days of training and running. This apart, a protein diet is extremely important. Proteins are the building blocks of energy and they play a vital role in rebuilding any microscopic damage to your muscles.

I would suggest the following food to be consumed post-runing in order to recover from your energy loss:

Carbohydrate diet that includes banana, energy booster drinks and glucose within the first 30 minutes after play.

A mix of protein and carbohydrate diet in the next 1-3 hours in order to allow your body to heal. Food to be consumed includes Fresh fruit, bread, egg and low fat milk.


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