Does More Protein Mean Better Body Build?

Proteins are absolutely essential to any sportsman. They are the very building blocks that help you in building your muscles and repairing damaged ones. Thus it is always recommended that you have a good protein diet after a strenuous workout or running. This helps you greatly in your recovery process.

However, some athletes are of the opinion that the easiest way to a great physique is lots and lot of protein intake. This is completely a myth. As with any other nutrient, proteins should only be taken in a quantity as is required. Frequent excess intake of proteins damages vital parts of your body.

Let us elaborate this further. The lowest component of proteins are called amino acids. When you consume foods that are rich in protein, this is broken down into amino acids that further help in as the building blocks. However, this process of breaking down to amino acids adds a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver. When you have a heavy workout, high intake of protein is good. However, consuming heavy protein food like fish and meat would push the kidneys and liver to the maximum and this eventually results in kidney and liver disorders. So, it is important to remember that more proteins does not necessarily mean more body build.


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